The HEAD contains general information, or meta-information,
about the document.
The contents of the HEAD are not displayed as part of the document
text: the displayed material is found within the
BODY. Consequently, only certain mark-up
elements can be placed within the HEAD. These are:
- BASE -- A record of the original URL of the
document: this allows you to move the document to a new directory (or
even a new site) and have relative URLs access the appropriate place
with respect to the original URL.
- ISINDEX -- Usually placed in the
HEAD by the server or a server script/program to indicate that a
document is searchable.
- LINK -- Defines the relationship(s) between
this document and another or others. A document can have several LINK
- META -- A container for document
- NEXTID -- A parameter used by automated
HTML editors to create unique identifiers for the documents.
- TITLE -- The title of the document. This element
is mandatory -- all documents must have a TITLE.
3.0.1 Netscape/HTML 3 Extensions
The following HEAD elements are not part of the "official" HTML, but are
supported to some degree by some browsers.
- SCRIPT -- Introduced by Netscape Inc.
for including script programs within an HTML document. This is only
functional on certain versions of Netscape Navigator 2.0.
- STYLE -- an HTML 3 element for including
stylesheet information. This is only supported
by the Arena browser.
3.0.2 Example of a HEAD
<TITLE> Goofy Stuff from Blobby Page </TITLE>
<BASE HREF="http://www.somewhere.org/stuff/blob.html">
<LINK HREF="http://www.somewhere.org/stuff/index.html" REL="index">
..... text of the document
© Ian Graham 1994-1995
Page Last Updated: 4
December 1995